Learning is a process or more like a aprendizaje es un viaje.It may take turns as though flowing like a brimming river but has no age or time.I wanted to learn so many things when I was a kid, but later on life keeps you entangled in so many shackles that you hardly think about your happiness, your passions and your desires.The way comes in your journey where you learn what is require and not for desire.This is where we start feeling frustrated and disgusted from life.
Coming to my life, I love Music,Dance, Writing, Reading, Interacting with different kinds of people etc.I always had time to explore different facets of my life but now I hardly think about them, or may be they are limited to my thoughts only. So right now lots of things are bothering me because I wanted to do something good with my life.May be it will take a little while for me to know what I want and to have what I lOVE..